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Practical Work 03: soooo many errors!


We will take last session's project and correct all the errors in it. For that purpose, we will write and execute some unit tests and use our IDE to help us.


The first step is to download the starting project

  • Extract the downloaded file on your disk and import the project inside your IDE, as a maven project.


In Eclipse, use the File -> Import wizard, and choose existing maven project as type.


If you don't import the project as a maven project, don't expect it to work, as nothing will download the dependencies magically !


A project full of problems

The project looks like what we wrote during last session. But it has been completely filled with mistakes. Your goal is to correct all these mistakes.


  • On top of last session's code, some methods were added, for the sake of testability. This is normal.
  • Be humble when you fix the mistakes, as they are taken from real-life examples
  • There should be nothing to fix in the test cases. All errors are in the production code (maybe not only in Library...).

Adding a library to a maven project

There are Test classes in the project; pom.xml lacks some dependencies, though. Let's begin by fixing that.

  • To add a library to our project, open the pom.xml file. In this file we will add dependencies using your IDE, like explained in the lesson. Our project needs 2 libraries:
_ JUnit AssertJ
groupId junit org.assertj
artifactId junit assertj-core
version 4.12 3.5.2

Compilation Errors

The first errors to try to solve when you work on a Java program are the compilation errors.


In Eclipse, the compilation errors can be detected thanks to the red markers on the files, or in the Problems View that can be summoned using Alt+Shift+q,k.

  • Open the Library Java class. In the Java editor, each compilation error is underlined in red and a red cross is present at the start of the line with an error. By hovering the mouse cursor on an error, a tip is shown.
Import errors

Import errors are a particular kind of compilation error. By default, a Java class can use classes that are in its package. To use other classes, it is necessary to make an import.

An import line is written at the top of the class file before the class declaration. These import lines are never written by the developer! The IDE can write it itself.


To do that in Eclipse, click at the end of the class you want to import in your Java editor and press Ctrl+Shift+1 to open the quick fix tooltip and select import.

Another easier way to Another easier way to do it is the Add import shortcut, summoned by Ctrl+Shift+m.

But the killer secret combo si Ctrl+Shift+o for Organize imports. It keeps everything tidy once correctly imported

If nothing is suggested by the IDE, it means that the Java class that you want to use is not in the Java classes that your project can use. A Java project has access:

  • To its own classes (Library for instance);
  • To the JRE classes (String or IOException for instance);
  • To the classes from the libraries used by the project (@Before for instance).

If you expect a specific class and the IDE does not find it, it may be because you are missing the corresponding library...

  • Try to fix all the errors in the classes located in the src/main/java source directory.


In Eclipse, you can use Ctrl+Shift+1 to apply quick fixes

Runtime errors

Once there are no longer any compilation errors in our Java project, it does not mean that there is no error left.

Stack traces


this is a reminder, you can jump this section if you have just followed the course

In Java, runtime errors are represented as a stack trace, e.g.:

isen.java2.library.exceptions.ItemAlreadyBorrowedException: Item already borrowed !
    at isen.java2.library.Library.borrowItem(
    at isen.java2.library.Library.borrowBook(
    at isen.java2.library.Application.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at isen.java2.library.Library.borrowItem(
    ... 2 more

It is, as the name implies, the list of all the methods involved in the current stack call.

Reading a stack trace is an important skill for a Java developer. A stack trace list the exception that has been raised in your code. It tells what exception (isen.java2.library.exceptions.ItemAlreadyBorrowedException) with its message (Item already borrowed !) and a list of the methods the exception have been thrown through. For each method, it is possible to see at which line in the code it has been thrown ( Depending on your IDE, these line numbers can be clickable so that you can get to the buggy code directly.

The Caused by line explains that the ItemAlreadyBorrowedException has been thrown in a catch block that caught a NullPointerException. A stack trace can have multiple Caused by lines. The lowest of these lines is the Root exception, which is the one you should be solving.

When reading a stack trace, the following process can be done:

  • If there are more than one stack trace, look at the first one;
  • Find the root cause of the stack trace;
  • Read its message and try to understand it;
  • Find in the first method listed below the root cause that is in a class that you wrote;
  • Go to the line in your code to fix the problem!
Fixing and writing tests
  • Tests errors are found when running our project. Try to run the LibraryTest and the BookTest tes classes in the isen.java2.library package. Errors are printed for some tests. Try to understand why some tests do not work and fix the problems.


To run a test case in Eclipse, select the test class in the outline or the package explorer and use Alt+Shift+X, T

  • Two tests (shouldAddBookToLibrary() and shouldReturnItemsBack()) are not implemented so you have to write them.

Begin with shouldAddBookToLibrary(), which should be straightforward to implement. Flex your knowledge of the IDE shortcuts to implement it. shouldReturnItemsBack(), to the contrary, will require some new code in Library, and maybe in other classes too. This is a perfect occasion to try the Test Driven Development discipline.

Bonus stage

Now that you are confident in using test cases to dig into Java problems and that you know how to read a stack trace, you are up to the challenge of completing the Gilded Rose kata.

What is a kata ?, you may ask ! This is a concept inherited from the martial arts : an exercise that you can use to practice your skills. It is intended to be done again and again, following your progress. You will not succeed at first try, and you will find new solutions every time you go through the exercise. More on kata and the concept of coding dojo can be found here.

  • To begin the kata, just clone the repository from the course, head to the practical_work/pw03/bonus directory, and read the instructions in the GildedRoseRequirements.txt file.

Some basic rules to execute a kata :

  • there is no unique solution
  • the process is more important than the result
  • trash your code once you are done
  • you can choose a constraint (time, no mouse...), and test it on a known kata
  • you can choose an new thing to learn, and test it on a known kata

You can find the original source code, in other languages, and a lot of other kata on the Github of Emily Bache.